




How to add a widget section in layout in Blogger?

How to add a widget section in layout in Blogger
The blogger always needing to pin the layout and add some good looking widgets to their blogger template but ,however sometimes they couldn't find the space to add that widget because the widget sections at every place you want is not possible.But ,after all their is a solution for that too,why does not you add that section?
This post is for those who knows the basics of CSS and HTML while it will be some how a little bit difficult for those who does not knows.So lets get start to how to add a widget section in layout in Blogger?
To get start first backup your template
Now lets start with CSS.Now open your notepad and start codings.The CSS is always goes above
I have a example showing below
background: none;
margin: 5px 5px 10px 5px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 5px;
width: 95px;
Now let be tell you about CSS.It depends on you that where you have to add that section and what should be the measurements  like width,margin and padding ,but it is not a difficult task.
Now lets move on to HTML.Its on you where you have to add that widget section either in footer,header or main -wrapper.All the templates having different IDs and classes to identify different regions in templates but however it could be find easily.
The HTML part would be
<b:section class='bewidget' id='bewidget' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='yes'>
Now the above HTML is having id and class which would be same and one more is maxwidgets,this one is depending on you that how many widgets you want to add in that section.If you don't want to add any limit then simply remove that
 <b:section class='bewidget' id='bewidget' showaddelement='yes'>
You are done.Just go to layout and check that section

Muhammad Hamza

Themelet provides the best in market today. We work hard to make the clean, modern and SEO friendly blogger templates.

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