




3 new trends among the web developers in 2014

3 new trends among the web developers in 2014

The web development is currently growing fast among freelancer.Really these new developers like me will be amazed to see new trends among developers,that has been using by some front end developer but are not open between people like me and after a long research I found the following stuff.

Sliding Panels

3 new trends among the web developers in 2014
The sidebar panel works good because it gives reader to enjoy the site in small screen size because sidebar or navigation menu is not at below or on side but it is not visible it is only visible when user wants to.It is possible to create this panel by Jquery Mobile or Jquery plugins.Beside user choice it also create the site more clean as main content covers the whole screen.

Ajax Loading

3 new trends among the web developers in 2014Ajax shows the content without refreshing page but takes content from server and throws on a specific place where it is replace by another content.While the content is retrieving from server,the content disappears and shows a loader as the content is received,the content will be replaced.The easy to create Ajax loading is to use Jquery Mobile.However still developers thing that it is not good for those site that shows advertistment.It is because the ad banner do not reload because of which less impressions hit the ad,hence less earnings.

One Pager Site

One Pager site is really pretty cool idea because not pages are their except the one page and when ever the user click on the link on navigation menu,it will scroll to a specific location.This type of sites sometimes also uses Ajax to get data when a link is clicked.It is because if you are putting all the content on one page then it will take a lot of time to load but if you will Ajax to load content,it will be more cool for user.This is the example of single page site.


Muhammad Hamza

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