




How can you change your blog markup into a search engine friendly markup using Google Webmasters and schema.org

make your content indexable easy using Google Webmasters and schema.org

Google webmasters tool is the first choice of every blogger in order to maintain a good ranking in search engines. The way we see a web page is not the way search engine bot see it, a search engine bot never knows - the title of a post or a post publishing date - and for the indexing schema.org documentation is required.
 Before proceeding let me tell you something about schema.org, it is a markup scheme launched by Google, Yahoo! and Bing in 2011 introduce some more benefits of search engine and their working.

All you need to do is to go to Google Webmasters and click on Search Appearances, in drop-down click Data Highlighter. Now click on start tagging and enter your blog post URL and select Article in drop-down menu.

Then the page URL you've entered before will be opened and all you need to do is to highlight all the stuff listed on right sidebar. Just highlight and select which element of blog post/ article it points to.

For eg: highlight the title of a blog post and click title in drop-down menu
Highlighting the title of the post
After completing all the elements, no matter if average rating is not their then click on done. Then a code will appear, closer to your blog markup; All you need to do is to check the highlighted stuff of the code and put them in your original content in the HTML.
The highlighted stuff is added with schema.org markup, which tells the search engine that what is the title, post body or image belongs to that post. If their is something that you do not want to display on webpage, but think that it should be indexed, just add display:none to that element because the search engine bot never sees the page, the way we see via browsers; Have a look.
The way we see the web page from the browser, it is not the way a search engine see it.
The different view from browser and different view from the search engine bot. Image taken from http://moz.com
This major different creates trouble for flash websites, the professional suggests to add text in your flash websites so that search engine get some description for your web-page. Because flash websites seems blank to search engines.

Problem Solved: Posting blog link on Google Plus shows author name not page title

This problem came across me when I noticed that my name is shown, instead the blog title. Later when I researched, I concluded that Google+ +1 button API uses schema.org micro-data to achieve the blog title and link or description. So the conclusion is that after adding the schema.org micro-data you will be able to show blog title while sharing your blog post on Google+.

Muhammad Hamza

Themelet provides the best in market today. We work hard to make the clean, modern and SEO friendly blogger templates.

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