




6 Blogger features you might be missing to use

Well, over features people normally pretend Wordpress over Blogger as far as blogging is considered. But in-fact I think they are going mad, because we are not aware of all the features of Blogger. I strongly recommend Blogger users to read Blogger Help Support to gain as much knowledge as they are required. Further lets reveal those secrets which are still (might be) enclosed in the chest.


Labels are used by more than 50% users but, still let me enclose that every label you make, will create a label based page for your blog. It is very helpful to categorize the blog posts and make navigation. However, it is possible that you might not want to use it for your navigation but I still recommend to categorize your each post from very starting of your blog because later it can help you in many ways.

Label option is available under the posting area right sidebar. Every new label will be created over their and existing will be present their.


Permalink can be auto generated or custom created. Why to use this feature? Well permalink can be generated with your own words, it means you can use some SEO friendly words for better search rankings.

Second bigger use of this feature is that if a you are going to post a blog post in future and want a link of that post before, maybe for some kind of social media promotion or something like that so you will have link of that post before it is published.

This feature can be found in posting area right sidebar.

Robot.txt Robot Header tags

This part is for developers only. Robot.txt and robot header tags are those factors which allow spider bots to crawl a specific part of your blog. Those people with less or no knowledge are highly recommended to not use these features, as they may result in disappearing of pages in search engines.

This feature found in Settings > Search Preferences

Comment Form Message

Why to edit HTML for every simple change in blog? A small message or comment privacy do not require any markup change to add, but it can also be added through setting provided by Blogger. Make sure that you use Blogger custom comment system, other commenting system do not support this.

Although, you can create a very impressive comment policy box below your blog post but it is simple method. Stay tuned with me and I'll share a code to create a animated comment policy box for Blogger users.

This feature is found under Settings > Posts and comments

Search Description

Search  description is different of every post, page and home page. Search description will ad meta description tag to each page which will help serch engine to find the specific query. They play an important role in SEO as they give description to each page. In addition while sharing a link on Facebook, that description that appears below title is nothing but that description you put on each post,page or homepage.

For home page description go to Setting > Search Preferences. For post and pages, you will find search description on their specific posting pages. I always recommend Blogger users to add this description with every post.

Contact Form

Blogger launched its contact form facility for all. Using contact form you can create ease of contact for your readers, because providing email is not enough as there are many users which do not have email access, and some of them doing email as burden. So, providing a simple contact form is the best way to get reactions and problems.

You can add contact form in Layout > Add Widgets > More Widgets > Contact Form

Muhammad Hamza

Themelet provides the best in market today. We work hard to make the clean, modern and SEO friendly blogger templates.

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