Recently when I made the CSS3 box-shadow generator I tried to make something new and make it possible for user to select angle and it will generate horizontal and vertical distance from it. From my Physics classes I get to know some basics formula to generate components from a vector.
Check out the image below:
Lets take the distance as V, Vx as horizontal distance and Vy as vertical distance. θ is the angle which will be using in further process.
According to formula,
Vx=(V)(Cosθ)Lets calculate them simultaneously, Vx need distance and θ value to return value. So taking distance as 100 (pixels) and θ as 45 degrees.
var distance=100;
var theta=45;
Conversion of radians into degrees
The Javascript function of Cos and Sin returns the values of radians so if we'll going to put theta in them, I will get wrong answer. To convert that:
Math.PI * (theta / 180);
Finalizing values
I've calculated every required values.
var distance = 100,
theta = 45,
sinfun = Math.sin(Math.PI * (theta / 180))*distance,
cosfun = Math.cos(Math.PI * (theta / 180))*distance;
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