




Add external links as blog post in Blogger

So many of us are aware about those external links that are shared on blogs having a title bounded with external link and having some description below. Many of you might never know that it is possible in Blogger.
  1. Go to Blogger
  2. then settings > other
  3. now change "Enable Title Links and Enclosure Links" to yes
  4. and save template

Once you've saved the settings. Now whenever you will start writing the post, the links section or right will have option for title link, which is actually the external link connected to your post.

Here is a screenshot:

Note That

Post will be published as regular post, just the title of post will have external link, if you want to customize the external linked post then stay connected and wait for my next post which will describe an into view of external linked post in Blogger.

Muhammad Hamza

Themelet provides the best in market today. We work hard to make the clean, modern and SEO friendly blogger templates.

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