If you are willing to create a Javascript plugin then there are a lot of stuff to know if you are a beginner. jQuery plugin is quiet easy to create since there is complete API to do that. When I googled about creating a Javascript plugin I found a very few helpful articles or tutorials on that. Not surprising since many are there using jQuery and developers find ease to create a jQuery plugin. Short codes, complete docs, variety of usable functions and more.
Basically it is difficult to setup the starting, but if you know the basic Javascript stuff like creating a functions and basic to do functions then rest of the stuff is quite easy. Let me give a glance over it, Javascript's object oriented behavior, loops like for...of and for...in and prototype-inheritance are some major topics to read about first. If you have a good on it then have a dive on it.
I'm going to create a accordion multi tab plugin, so lets start with basic markup.
<div class='tab-outer'>
<div class='tab-button'>
<a href='#content1'>Button 1</a>
<a href='#content2'>Button 2</a>
<a href='#content3'>Button 3</a>
<div class='tab-container'>
<div id='content1'>This is content 1</div>
<div id='content2'>This is content 2</div>
<div id='content3'>This is content 3</div>
Now we have a basic markup, lets move on to Javascript. Lets create an object.
// This is a self invoking function
We just invoked a function. Lets create a constructor, basically a constructor is like a machine that creates instances. We'll talk a more on it later in post.
// This is a constructor
Now lets move on to create default options. These options will work as a fallback of non-required options. Because many stuff people don't like to edit so let give the folks some defaults.
// This is a self invoking function
(function () {
// This is a constructor
var Tabs = function () {
var defaults = {
activeButtonClass: 'active',
activeContainerClass: 'active',
tabOuter: null,
buttonContainer: null,
contentContainer: null
However there are only 2 defaults but required options are there: tab outer, tab button container and tab content container which are set to null means required to add. Next step is to replace defaults with passed argument. Argument is a value or object passed with every function. So now we are going to do that with for..in loop.
var newer = arguments[0];
this.options = replaceDefaults(defaults, newer);
function replaceDefaults(older, newer) {
var anyOption;
// Accessing each newer option
for (anyOption in newer) {
// Check whether this option present in argument[0] object
if (newer.hasOwnProperty(anyOption)) {
older[anyOption] = newer[anyOption]
return older;
Okay first we created a variable newer that holds an argument object. The arguments[0] describes the first object in argument array. Not to confuse but no matter how many options are passed they will come under single object, so just accessing the first object containing all the options.Then we just introduced the object options. These options will be obtained through a function that actually put newer options into older options (kind of update). For...in loop is best for it since this loop goes through key and its value. New options updated, now lets move on to making the tabs work. So lets create a function and pass all options into that.
this.Tabs = function() {
var defaults = {
activeButtonClass: 'active',
activeContainerClass: 'active',
tabOuter: null,
buttonContainer: null,
contentContainer: null
// Since there are required options so we are going without if condition.
// Since all arguments are under one object, so technically there is only a single argument passed.
var newer = arguments[0];
this.options = replaceDefaults(defaults, newer);
function startTab(e) {
// All options are accessed here through "e"
var a = document.querySelector(e.tabOuter),
b = document.querySelector(e.buttonContainer),
c = document.querySelector(e.contentContainer),
d = e.activeButtonClass,
f = e.activeContainerClass;
changeTab(a, b, c, d, f, b.children[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < a.children.length; i++) {
// if current child is actually the button container then...
if (a.children[i] == b) {
for (var o = 0; o < b.children.length; o++) {
b.children[o].addEventListener('click', function() {
// Arguments passed are tab outer, button outer, content outer, button active class, tab active class and clicked button
changeTab(a, b, c, d, f, this);
Now in above code I declared a function, this function actually starts the tab working. I passed an argument of updated options, so that I can access them in function. Used document.querySelector() to select outer wrap, button wrap and container wrap. Then declared changeTab function, which is described in next.First changeTab function have last argument b.children[0] which is the first button in button wrap. Means the targeted container is of button 1. Later in the above code, first loop confirms that the given button wrap is actually a child of outer wrap. Then added changeTab function to every button with addEventListener.
function changeTab(outer, button, content, bactive, cactive, current) {
// Id for tab
var currentId = current.hash;
for (var i = 0; i < outer.children.length; i++) {
// Works only if content container is under the tab container
if (outer.children[i] == content) {
for (var x = 0; x < content.children.length; x++) {
// Remove active class from all content and hide them all
if (content.children[x] == content.querySelector(currentId)) {
// Check if button wrap is under outer wrap
if (outer.children[i] == button) {
// Loop on each button
for (var o = 0; o < button.children.length; o++) {
// Remove active from all buttons
// Add button to current button
changeTab function updates the classes of button and container and hide other containers which are obviously not active. element.hash is used to get value with '#' in href tab. Then a loop to confirm the child of outer wrapper and then one loop for button wrap and other one for content wrap.Attach Method With Plugin
Every object got properties and methods. Using object.prototype we can access any object properties. These events allow people to access the stuff going on under each instance. object.prototype creates a prototype of an object that holds all the properties of an object or its instance. Example of properties are options in our case.
Tabs.prototype.activeTabId = function (e) {
var contentWrap = document.querySelector('.tab-content');
var anyElement = document.querySelector(e);
for (var i = 0; i < contentWrap.children.length; i++) {
if (contentWrap.children[i].classList.contains(this.options.activeContainerClass)) anyElement.innerHTML = contentWrap.children[i].id;
Above code is an example of prototype in our case. This prototype returns the active tab id, click the button, it will return active tab id, check in demo.A better approach
ECMAScript 6 got for...of loop that is alternate for:
var x=[2,3,4]
for(var i = 0 ; i < x.length; i++){
This could be written as for...of loop:
var x=[2,3,4]
for(let i of x){
Plugins are possible in Javascript, a bit lengthy and boring because jQuery got complete references for that while no proper Javascript references available. Is there is any better approach to create plugin, send me via email : hamzadhamiya@gmail.com or put some useful link in comments so that I could update this reference for others.
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